7 Practical Benefits of Learning Another Language – What to Know

brain with language

Being able to speak in another language is important, and that’s why many schools are now incorporating bilingual education into their curriculum. Many studies show that learning another language promotes a child’s cognitive and social abilities. Outside of the classroom setting, being bilingual also offers practical benefits that you can use to build a more solid future.

Although adults may find it difficult to pick up new dialects, here’s why studying a second—or third—language is important:

#1: It increases your creativity

There is a correlation between learning and creativity. Learning how to combine a string of new words takes place on the same side of the brain where you form creative ideas. It’s not surprising why many novelists, poets, and songwriters are also known to be the ones with the most creative minds.

#2: It boosts your analytical skills

Bilingual or multilingual people have the ability to process information more logically. By learning how to codeswitch, you also improve your analytical skills. This way, when you are presented with a conflicting situation, you can make wiser decisions based on rational thinking.

#3: It exercises your brain muscles

When you study a foreign tongue, you essentially work to strengthen your brain muscles. It’s a good way to practice your focus, memory, and comprehension. According to multiple studies, learning another language will boost your brain’s executive control center, which is the hub that manages your cognitive processes.

#4: It widens your native vocabulary

It may not be your original goal, but know that studying a second language helps improve your native vocabulary. If you are a native English speaker and are studying Mandarin, your mastery of the mother tongue will improve as you work to learn the Chinese phrases and grammar.

#5: It ushers corporate success

Aside from increased cognitive function, being multilingual builds the groundwork for your future success. Students in a bilingual family or school tend to perform better in class when compared to their peers. They usually score well in exams and are enrolled in distinguished schools of their choice. Academic success is also a huge factor when it comes to job security. Especially now that the workplace is becoming global, employers give advantages to staff who can speak several languages.

#6: It makes foreign communication easier

Being multilingual is a huge advantage, whether at work or when travelling abroad. Although you can now turn to translation apps, it’s still easier to conduct business when you can speak and understand other languages yourself. As tourists, you’ll be able to travel to more places, see more sights, and immerse yourself in other cultures better.

#7: It promotes relationships

One of the greatest practical benefits of learning multiple languages is to widen your social network. By being able to communicate with people of other races, you will be able to form relationships with people from other countries. You’ll also be able to break down cultural barriers and have a better worldview.

On top of these practical ways being multilingual can help you in life, keep in mind that studying a foreign language is also fun! This coming new year, make it your goal to learn a new language. If you are looking for private English or French lessons in Toronto, get in touch with us today and see how we can help.
